Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Passion for God

This will be a continuing theme for awhile here. I am trying to incorporate each and every one of these in my life.....How about you??

Developing A Passion For God's Word
Time, First Time, Early Time
1. Refuse to miss a day
2. Pray as you approach God's Word
3. Consume God's Word in various ways.
4. Find a rhythm or a pattern that fits your lifestyle
5. Be a woman of one Book - the Book
6. Be accountable
7. Beat the family up in the morning
8. Teach your children
9. Purpose to get up
10. Aim for more time
Something is better than nothing but always aim for more.

Developing A Passion For Prayer
1. Make a commitment
2. Realize that prayer is not optional
3. Refuse to miss a day
4. Study the prayers of the Bible
5. Study the prayers of saints through the ages


Sharon Brumfield said...

I wish I could beat the family up in the morning....but that is hubbies time alone before he goes to work. BUT....I can catch some time before Julia gets up....I just need to do it.
I do miss the time when just lingering in the word was something I would enjoy doing more than just about anything else.
Thank you for bringing this to mind. He has been drawing me for awhile now.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get all these lists? They're really neat.