Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Good Morning my friends

The sun is shinning brightly, and we are making whole grain pancakes. It looks like a great family day. I love my family. Today we are calling a shelter about a dog. Yes, we still have Mr. Bosley but we want another one. Hopefully, the two will be fast friends. My daughter is already planning everything out. I hope she is not disappointed.

I came across the quote from one of my fav ladies and wanted to share.

When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark,

you don't throw away the ticket and jump off.

You sit still and trust the engineer.

Corrie ten Boom

Isn't that the truth. There are always "dark" times. We need to trust out Everlasting Lord and Savoir. He knows what will happen right outside that "tunnel".

Put your faith and trust in SomeOne who is worthy of that trust. Don't turst the government or your local mortgage broker to "get you a good deal". Only God is worthy of our all. He gave His all for us.

Now go make it a great family day.


Marcy said...

Hello! I love Corrie ten Boom & she is one of my favorites too! Looks like I have alot of catching up to do, I see you have some great posts below. Hopefully I will get a chance to come back & read them all, especially on "Managing Your Time"! I have been dealing with that alot lately & trying to get organized which means I don't stay on the computer much anymore. I miss my LS & blogging friends tho!

Have a wonderful day, love you!