Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I thought I would update you all has been too long here not posting.

My laptop , less than 2 years old, just up and died on me.  Now being the completely organized family that we are, NOT, we all scurried around to find the original sales slip and look to see if we really bought the extra warranty.  Finally after a day and a half....I told you we were super organized, we found the sales slip and we did indeed buy the extra warranty.

So off to the shop it went.  It has been almost 2 weeks.  Funny how one gets so used to your own laptop or whatever and when one has to share the only desktop in the erupt!!! Funny how I got so used to my routine with said laptop.  I would turn it on even before I had my first cuppa!!  What a friend it had become.

I am now still using the only computer in the house.  Amy is begging me to be done already!!  Ha

Now I was thinking.....yes, I do on occasion...about how used to our routines we get. that a good grammatical sentence?  Yes, I do homeschool....but I have the answer book!!

Then I turned my focus on  .... Jesus.  Am I in a rut(routine)with my Lord also?  So I switched up my rut..hmm routine.  Instead of starting out directly reading my devo in the morning....I am really never awake to really concentrate anyway...I have been doing all my morning stuff on my(the)computer, writing up a game plan for school day schedule.  Then when she is hard at work and the house is quiet, I have my devo with the Lord.  It has been such a blessing lately.

Do you need to switch up your rut....aahh... routine?


John's Going To SERVE! said...

thank you susan, for letting us see your blog! you are an awesome writer, and what a great reminder! have a wonderful day!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Ruts are kind of like old friends sometimes aren't they? :)
I have been trying to change up my routine lately to involve more time in the does seem to fall into the background if I am not careful.
Glad you are enjoying the switch up.
I am so glad that you purchased the extended warranty....what a blessing.
I know what it is dealing with only one computer...while mine was down I had to use hubby's...ugh!
Hope yours will be back soon...till nice and share. :)

Becky Wolfe said...

Hello Hello! I am happy to return to blogland & find all the blogs I used to love reading.

Funny and not so funny is my laptop of 2 years recently died as well and we were thankful for having purchased the extended warranty too. It was going to be gone for a LONG time, so in the mean time we purchased a smaller cheaper laptop so I can still keep in touch with the 'outside' world!

I'm trying to shake up my routine a bit lately too. I too turn on the computer (or my iPhone while I'm still lying in bed) before I think of anything else. With a toddler that wants to GO GO GO, its not usually Jesus that is the first thing on my mind when I wake. But blissfully, he has a morning nap & I have time to be meditative as well.