Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It has been awhile my friends

You have probably been wondering what has happened to me.  Unfortunately, it is called life.  It has not been a fun time for our family in the last few months. My mom's dementia is getting worse and she fell again.  She did not break anything, this is a good ad for taking your calcium.  She had to stay in a skilled nursing center for a week so her 22 stitches on her left knee could heal.  She was so confused to where she was at it was not funny.
I had to go often to see her so she would feels comfortable.  She is now home and seems to be better.

With the economy like it is in So. Calif anyway, we are going thru the process of losing our house.  We have been here for 11 years.  It stinks.  We already went thru a mortgage reduction process and the bank really never gave us any breaks.  So for the past month, we have been looking around our area for apartments.  We will have to downsize to a 2 bedroom place.  I have to give up a lot of my furniture.  I do plan to sell my stove and refrigerator.  I hope to bring my own washer/dryer with me.  There is a very nice place that has a garage with it, so I hope my washer/dryer fits.  There are no openings yet.  There are a few more places we have looked at that are also nice.  So we really have 3 or 4 to chose when one of them become available.

My husband makes very good money.  We are not ones to just buy stuff and we have no credit cards.  So where did it all go?  I think the Lord is showing us we can live with a lot less.  We do anyway since I am a stay at home mom/homeschooler.  In today's economy, it is hard to make it with one paycheck.  Our cars are even paid for.  So I take this as an opportunity to see just how thrifty we can be.

Don't get me wrong here, I don't want to say the wives out there have to work, but I do believe most of us are called to be in the home.  Just my opinion.  And you have to remember, I did my "time" working right out of high school and did my 25 years.  That is a funny was with the same bank as our mortgage....LOL

So, I am still here and homeschooling Amy.  I love it.  We are doing a new program on line thru Learning by Grace.  There are no books, justs e-books on line.  There are some DVD's and other web sites to go and learn extra about whatever you are learning.  It is Christian based and every day your homepage starts with a devotional.  I really like that.  We go thru that together and it is sweet times.

So, I promise not to be gone so long you all.


LouAnneL said...

So good to hear from you! I'm sorry about your home, but you're right, we can live with so much less than we do. God is kind not to allow us to get to dug in here, isn't He? Praying for you as you all make the transition!

Fitter After 50 said...

You definitely are going through a transition for sure. I'll have to check out that online program. It sounds awesome anyhow. :) (((hugs))) to you as I'm sure you must feel overwhelmed sometimes but God's Grace will keep you strong in Him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Twinnie, I had no idea. ((( hugs ))). The economy isn't the greatest here either, but it sounds like it's better than in the US. But we are really affected by the US economy. And I certainly understand about your mom's dementia - it's a rotten disease (as opposed to all the "good" ones LOL). Yah, calcium is important. Lotsa hugs for ya!

Sharon Brumfield said...

I just want you to know that you are on my heart often.
I know these changes are hard..we have been there too. And yes it is true that we can do with so much less than we have thought was the norm. And we can be at peace during the process.
I am you and so sweet to hear your "voice".

Pam Fidler said...

I am always keeping you and your family esp. Mom in my prayers dear lady. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us.

Ronel said...

I am so sorry to hear about your house. I so, understand the financial struggles my husband has been out of work for exactly one year and we just went through a bankruptcy which has caused issues with my security clearance..... I know I need my job for us to live so I am trusting God in this process. I will keep you in my prayers friend and I hope we can meet up again soon.
