Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Monday, June 1, 2009


I am so happy that we made it. It is June and Amy has only 2 more days left in the 6th grade!!
This has been a hard year for me. I have had more health problems, my mom had pneumonia and I had shoulder surgery, and my hubs is still working without a contract...but he is still working and bringing in a paycheck...Praise the Lord!!

I am planning on not doing much for others this summer....sounds odd doesn't it? But I am planning to do something for me....ME!!

I am planning on getting healthy!!!! I am not getting any younger...if any of you find out how to do that, please let me know!! My joints are crying with all this weight on them. My arthritis will not go away, unless the Lord heals me here, so I need to help them function better with losing weight.

I am going to concentrate on eating healthy, I already signed up for a program of exercises that I can do, and just taking time for myself. Wow, taking time for myself....that just sounds glorious to me. All you moms and all of you who home school know just what I am talking about.

So I will post and let you know what is up with me more often. You will be my accountability. Please, if you don't hear from me in a week, send out the hounds. Really, I want to be accountable to my friends here.

And if the Lord leads, please say a prayer or two for me also. I love you all.


BooksForMe said...

PRAISE THE LORD! Congratulations on another year done. And, congratulations on committing to make time for yourself, for your health. It is so hard to make ourselves a priority. I am trying to do the same.

Hope you and Amy enjoy every minutes of your summer break!

Fitter After 50 said...

Good the caretaker is taking care of herself so she can take better care of those she loves. :) Congratulations on another year!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Good for you girl!
You know I just feel better when I am working out. I have not lost a lot but I know there are things taking place that are good that I can not see.
Had my first check up today in a long time. And after my last doctor that was so negative it was nice to speak to a doctor that was positive about what I was doing for my body. He told me not to be discouraged and to keep up the good work. He said life is not about a diet....but about doing things that are good for our body. So good for you for thinking about healthy eating. I am not a sugar hound..mine is more carbs. But I want to be better about my portions.
So I will try and remember what you are going to be up to this summer and I will try to encourage you.
I am glad you made it successfully through this school year....I am proud of you!
Now concentrate a little on yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

You have such a heart for Christ and for your family I agree you need time to become more healthy Oh that I would be as motivated as you seem to be. May God carry you when you are weary and comfort you when you are fatigued. In Jesus name I pray..amen.