Christian Internet Code of Ethics

As a Christian who is active on the internet, I hold myself to certain standards of conduct. They are: * I guard my online relationships * I am careful to visit websites that do not compromise my life in Christ * I take care that my written communications reflect Christ in my life * I guard my time to assure that my time online is kept in proper balance with the rest of my life

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Be Diligent

Remember, thy soul is the habitation of the 
kingdom of God. Therefore, be diligent to keep it clean, quiet, and 
peaceable, - clean from guilt and defects; quiet from fears; and 
peaceable in temptations and tribulations. And with these intentions 
work, pray, obey, and suffer (without being in the least moved), 
whatever pleases the Lord to send unto thee. ~ 

M. De